

Our practice is committed to preventative care. We may issue you with a reminder notice (via sms or telephone) periodically offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care.

If you do not wish to be part of this system, just advise your doctor or reception staff.

In case of emergencies and for urgent recalls, please ensure that your contact details are correct and up to date.


Depending on the type of test(s) you may have undertaken – results will generally be available anywhere between 48 hours to a week after the test(s).

It is preferred and in your best interest that you return to discuss your test results with your doctor to protect your confidentiality and ensure that you understand the results.


Our practice uses SMS to remind you of your appointment booking. These will be sent our the day before at 1pm.

We occasionally SMS a patient to remind them about a preventative health appointment one in and make a follow up appointment for reviewing results or preventatiev health


Your medical records are a confidential document. Therefore we do not encourage the transfer of medical records via an unsecured email network. However we understand it can be the most efficient way of receiving information so with your written consent and full understanding of the process we are able to transfer some files.

To find out more speak to our Practice Manager.

Telephone Calls

Since the Covid-19 pandemic we are now able to offer Telehealth. These will be scheduled during normal consulting hours. See our Fees page for more details.

Interpreter Service

If you require an interpreter service, please contact our reception on 02 9888 1083 or please click for TIS National.

Privacy Policy

We collect your personal information to ensure we can properly care for your health, please refer to our Privacy Policy.